Rev. Dr. Abraham SymesAge: 66 years1715–1781
- Name
- Rev. Dr. Abraham Symes
- Name prefix
- Rev. Dr.
- Given names
- Abraham
- Surname
- Symes
Birth | 1715 35 20 |
Birth of a brother | Mitchelborne Symes 1720 (Age 5 years) |
Birth of a sister | Rachel Symes about 1720 (Age 5 years) |
Birth of a sister | Elizabeth Symes about 1723 (Age 8 years) |
Birth of a sister | Anne Symes 1731 (Age 16 years) Source: S749 |
Religious marriage | Catherine Mary Browne — View this family June 29, 1749 (Age 34 years) |
Marriage of a sibling | Mitchelborne Symes — Anne Glascott — View this family May 9, 1755 (Age 40 years) |
Death of a father | John Symes 1756 (Age 41 years) |
Death of a wife | Catherine Mary Browne March 10, 1768 (Age 53 years) |
Religious marriage | Anne Le Hunte — View this family May 4, 1769 (Age 54 years) |
Birth of a daughter #1 | Louisa Jane Symes 1774 (Age 59 years) |
Birth of a daughter #2 | Anne Symes 1778 (Age 63 years) |
Occupation | Reverend |
Residence | between 1715 and 1781 |
Death | 1781 (Age 66 years) |
Family with parents |
father |
John Symes Birth: 1680 35 30 — Glascarrig, Co. Wexford, Ireland Death: 1756 — Hillbrook House, Coolboy, Co. Wicklow, Ireland |
mother |
Mary Sandham Birth: about 1695 Death: |
himself |
6 years younger brother |
Mitchelborne Symes Birth: 1720 40 25 — Hillbrook House, Coolboy, Co. Wicklow, Ireland Death: December 2, 1795 |
4 years younger sister |
Elizabeth Symes Birth: about 1723 43 28 Death: |
-2 years younger sister |
Rachel Symes Birth: about 1720 40 25 Death: |
12 years younger sister |
Anne Symes Birth: 1731 51 36 Death: |
Family with Catherine Mary Browne |
himself |
wife |
Catherine Mary Browne Birth: 1735 Death: March 10, 1768 — Peter Street, Dublin, Ireland |
Marriage: June 29, 1749 — Carlow, Co. Carlow, Ireland |
Family with Anne Le Hunte |
himself |
wife |
Anne Le Hunte Birth: 1735 Death: May 5, 1817 |
Marriage: May 4, 1769 — Parish of St. Peter, Dublin, Ireland |
6 years daughter |
Louisa Jane Symes Birth: 1774 59 39 Death: February 18, 1811 — Clifton, Bristol, England |
5 years daughter |
Anne Symes Birth: 1778 63 43 Death: May 12, 1818 |
Note | Marriage to Mary Browne of Carlow is mentioned in will of his Uncle, The Revd Sutton Symes DD Dean of Achonry.
Entered TCD 15 Nov 1733 aged 18, B Co Wicklow, Son of John, Generosus. BA vern 1738 MA aest 1742. BD & DD Vern 1762
Further information from Alex Buchanan 2000 and Glascott Symes April 2001.
Lived at Hilbrook and was rector of Kilpipe & Carnew
List of Kilpipe clergy says that signed the Parliamentary Return for Kilpipe and Kilninor in 1766.
Wiiliam Moore Johnson was licensed to Kilpipe and Kilninor (because of the death of Abraham Symes) 5 Sep 1781.
Letter at PRONI re D/3897/2 from Peter Gale of Carlow to Revd Abraham Symes (from papers that belonged to hos daughter Mary Anne Symes) Dated 1st January 1774.
\"Not having until now heard of you from Hayesville has been the cause of my not sooner acknowledging your very obliging favour. I am very happy how Inoculation has so well succeded in your family. Mr Cooper's younger daughter is just recovered from a very favorable smallpox in the same way. It is really ????? that she or Mr Browne has not yet paid you that triffle. I can assure you I have not been sparing of my hints about it.
You know I always thought you a man of taste and am now more than ever convinced of it, from your late theatrical amusement & elegant choice of performers.
As you tell me you are to be Town on a very pleasing occasion towards the end of the month I have some hope of the pleasure of meeting you there as I shall probably go up with my son who is to answer examinations about this time.
A total dearth of Carlow news leaves me little more to say than that, wishing you Mrs Symes and Family many ??? new years, I am with mine and their Family's best regards to you and yours your affectionate brother & sincere humble servt Peter Gale\"
Entry in Ferns clergy and parishes is wrong in saying that Anne Hunte was the daughter of GEorge LeHunte and also in giving 1782 as his year of death.
Please acknowledge the source of any data you download. Good luck with your ancestor hunting |
Residence | Format: image/jpeg Image dimensions: 275 × 165 pixels File size: 17 KB Type: Photo |
Media object | 1749 Rev Abraham Symes Mary Browne marriage.jpg Format: image/jpeg Image dimensions: 614 × 909 pixels File size: 188 KB Type: Photo Source: Irish Genealogy Publication: Quality of data: primary evidence |